
We can't list exact prices here, because every job is very different. Your best option is to call us at 321-806-2229 and describe your problem, and we can give you a price estimate over the phone.

Small Jobs: $100 + An example might be a one-stop trip to remove a snake in the patio, or dead animal in the attic. Not a far drive outside our service range.

Medium Jobs: $250 + An example might be a multi-stop project involving setting traps, returning twice to remove and relocate wildlife, minor repairs, etc.

Large Jobs: $500 + An example might be a project with several service visits, full home and attic inspection, multiple animals, complex repairs, attic cleanup, etc.

Looking for a company to deal with mammals or flying animals causing damage or problems in your home or commercial property? We are your local animal removal company, and we're available to respond quickly to your situation and can offer an efficient and effective solution, whatever the species that is causing issues in your property. We are consistently given 5-star reviews by our wonderful customers on sites like Yelp and Facebook, and you also have the peace of mind of knowing that we also carry full liability insurance and are licensed to carry out all aspects of animal control work. Our telephone team is your first point of call, and they can talk you through what we will do to help, and can give you a rough idea of the cost of our service. We can also remove animals causing problems outside your home, such as groundhogs, moles and other burrowing creatures that can be damaging your garden. Our technicians can offer a full service, which can also include sanitization and repairs to any damage caused by the animals, to keep you and your family safe.