Different Venomous Snakes in Florida

The subtropical climate of Florida has helped different animals to thrive in the are. This include at least 50 types of snakes. While this may sound scary, only six of these snakes are considered venomous. They should be avoided at all cost since they pose threat to humans. In case you encounter a snake and you are not sure if they are venomous or not, it is advisable to avoid them. Remember that snakes will not act aggressively unless they feel threatened. 

List of Dangerous Snakes in Florida

Giving the Palm Bay snake enough room to escape will encourage them to leave your property. However, if they still refuse to flee, you should never attempt to conduct the removal process on your own. Once you were bitten by a snake, you need to seek immediate medical attention. In this article, we will discuss the different types of dangerous snakes that you will encounter in Florida.

Southern Copperhead

Southern copperhead, or simply copperhead, belongs to the family of pit viper that is found in the Eastern region of the US. The biggest recorded copperhead is around 53 inches, but the average length will be around 22-36 inches. They have a stocky body frame and a wide head. Its color may range from pale to tan and will have dark blotches somewhere along the middle. The bite of the copperhead will be excruciatingly painful. However, their venom will not be enough to kill a healthy adult. 


Cottonmouth, popularly known as the Palm Bay Water Moccasin, are pit vipers that have triangular and blocky head. They have a stout body with dark shade. Their average length is about 20-48 inches but there are Florida cottonmouth that has grown to 74.5 inches. The bite of the water moccasin will not only be painful but can be highly lethal. 

Timber Rattlesnake

Timber Rattlesnake, sometimes referred to as canebrake rattlesnake has a mixture of black and brown bands. Just like the other member of pit vipers, they also have the discernable triangular head. The shade of their scale allows them to easily hide their presence in the wild. This is one of the most venomous types of snake that is found in Florida.

Eastern Diamondback

This is the largest type of rattlesnake that you will see in North America. It may not be the largest venomous snake, but it is considered as the heaviest. The average weight of the eastern diamondback is around 26lbs. They will usually eat rats, mice, and rabbits. Once bitten by this snake, you should not fret since the antivenin are readily available in your local medical facility.

The Palm Bay snake will inject their venom to their target in order to numb, stun, or kill the target. The venom is not usually deadly to human especially if they have received the proper treatment as soon as they’ve been bitten. To ensure that your yard will remain free from snake, try to keep your property clean. You should also eliminate their food supply such as rodents and insects. Snake can help in managing the population of rodents and insects. The presence of snake is an indication of a healthy environment.

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